Tooth Loss Treatments

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Tooth Loss Causes And Effects

The causative factors for tooth loss can be:

▪ Gum disease and dental caries are primarily brought on by poor dental hygiene.

▪ Teeth can also be lost due to physical violence and sports accidents.

▪ In exceptional circumstances, adverse effects from medicine might cause tooth loss.

The lack of touch between opposing teeth as a result of the missing teeth will eventually lead the gums to recede, resulting in loose teeth and possibly the risk of tooth loss. The masticatory motion will cause the teeth around the toothless region to shift towards the toothless region when a tooth is lost as a consequence of extraction, causing the teeth to tilt and cease to remain erect.

Tooth Loss Treatment

Few options for treating tooth loss are:

▪ Constructing removable dentures

▪ Making fixed dentures

▪ Getting dental implants

Removable Dentures

Due to their affordability, removable dentures may be the option that most individuals go for. However, there are a number of problems that can occur with it.

▪ Taking care of it calls for patience.

▪ Due to the requirement for modification, it is uncomfortable while worn.

▪ Must be taken off before going to bed.

▪ After several years, control is necessary because the denture may become loose owing to alterations in the elevation of the bones holding the teeth, the gums, and the location of the teeth.

Fixed Dentures

In essence, fixed dentures or non-removable dentures are denture appliances that have a row of artificial teeth attached to a structure that is secured in place by dental implants. These long lasting dentures are designed to replace missing teeth by mending all or a portion of the defective or irregular tooth surface.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are becoming more common as a substitute for missing teeth.  They are rigidly fixed in place, such as with a titanium implant. For practically all age groups, dental implants can be used to restore lost teeth.It is the ideal solution for preserving the stability of your teeth and facial bones at it’s best.

The fact that dental implants can be practically permanent is probably their finest advantage. While permanent dental implants might last a lifetime, dentures tend to deteriorate pretty fast. Numerous studies indicate that implants can endure up to thirty years with only modest maintenance and alterations. Some individuals have had implants for solid fifty years!

The Best Oral Surgeon In Toronto

Dental implants should, of course, be performed by a qualified dentist, such as Dr. Maziar Shahzad Dowlatshahi, a reasonable dental implant dentist who has received formal certification. He will provide you with the smile you deserve, the freedom to eat whatever you like, and teeth that look and function just like your own. Cost effective toothless surgery is very efficiently provided at Dr. Dowlatshahi’s. He’s undoubtedly the best oral surgeon in Toronto. You can book a consultation right away!

The majority of people fear discomfort or agony when they consider having dental work done or having surgery. As your dental implant surgeon, Dr. Dowlatshahi, wants you to feel as little discomfort or pain as possible during any procedures.

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