Introduction to the Technologies Currently Being Used by Dentists

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Digital Smile Design, Navident, and PRGF are three of the most innovative and forward-thinking technologies currently being used by dentists. Dentistry has been constantly evolving, and Dr. Dowlatshahi has always strived to stay ahead of the curve.

Designing a Digital Smile

Digital Smile Design is a design philosophy that integrates digital dentistry with artistic techniques to aid in creating a beautiful smile for patients. The procedure begins with an in-depth analysis of your facial features and existing smile, which is followed by careful planning of your new smile together with your dentist before its execution. Digital Smile Design makes use of computerized technology to produce custom-made crowns, bridges, or dentures that can be created using 3D printing or robotic milling machines. A team of specialists will take into consideration both aesthetic and functional aspects when designing these prosthetics so that they look natural on the patient’s face while still providing maximum support for teeth during eating and speaking activities.


Navident is another technology that has transformed the way dental implant procedures are conducted. This state-of-the-art equipment allows your dentist to precisely plan the placement of dental implants, resulting in quicker and more comfortable anesthesia procedures that also dramatically reduce recovery time. Navident is a computer-aided implant surgery planning system that uses 3D visualization technology to help dentists visualize what an implant looks like inside a patient’s bone before drilling holes for it. The software provides real-time feedback on where the drill bit should be placed based on real data from previous cases, allowing for more accurate outcomes every time you use it!

Growth Factor-Rich Plasma

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRGF) is a process that involves extracting platelet-rich plasma from blood cells, which is then injected into soft tissues around the periodontal area to accelerate healing and minimize gum recession following dental procedures such as bone grafting or bone augmentation. The PRGF injections are given three times a week for four weeks and are performed by trained professionals at our offices.

Here’s how the PRP process typically works in dentistry:

Blood collection: The first step is to collect a small amount of the patient’s blood, usually from the arm.

Processing: The blood is then processed in a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the red and white blood cells.

Concentration: The plasma is further processed to concentrate the platelets, which contain growth factors that promote healing and tissue regeneration.

Application: The concentrated PRP is then applied to the treatment area, such as the gums, jawbone, or tooth socket, to promote healing and regeneration.

In dentistry, PRP can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

Bone grafting: PRP can be used to promote bone regeneration and improve the success rate of bone grafting procedures.

Implant placement: PRP can be used to promote healing and improve the success rate of dental implant procedures.

Periodontal treatment: PRP can be used to promote healing and regeneration of the gums and other soft tissues in the mouth.

Why do you need to consult Dr. Dowlatshahi?

Dr. Dowlatshahi has dedicated himself to staying at the forefront of modern dentistry by incorporating some of the most innovative technologies available today into his practice. This includes Digital Smile Design, Navident, and PRGF. Digital Smile Design is a computer-aided design (CAD) system that allows you to create beautiful and precise dental crowns, bridges, and veneers. With this software, you can choose from over 4 million designs, which means no matter what your vision is for your smile, this software will find it! If you’re looking for a dentist who is willing to take on the latest technology and stay ahead of the curve, then Dr. Dowlatshahi is dedicated to providing quality care for his patients in ways that are both comfortable and affordable, which means you’ll never experience long waits or high prices at their practice.

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