Dental Bone Graft Surgery

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Dental Bone Graft Surgery

Dental bone graft surgery is going to be explained here. The bone around a missing tooth shrinks as a typical physiological reaction from our body after losing a tooth. The jawbone that is affected by tooth loss deteriorates or reabsorbs over time. This frequently results in a situation where there is insufficient bone or bone quality to support dental implants. Most patients in these circumstances are not eligible for the insertion of dental implants. Dr. Dowlatshahi one of the best oral surgeons in Toronto provides his patients with dental bone graft surgery options in order to place implants with the right length and width. He has more than 30 years of clinical experience in cutting-edge disciplines of contemporary dentistry. This also enables him to improve the beauty and functionality of their smile.

dental bone graft surgery is a procedure that adds volume to the jawbone in areas where the bone has been lost to add support to teeth or future implants.

What is Dental Bone Graft Surgery?

dental bone graft Surgery is a procedure that adds volume to the jawbone in areas where the bone has been lost to add support to teeth or future implants. A segment of bone from another part of your body is removed during the treatment or, a particular bone grafting material is used and grafted onto your jaw bone. The graft builds up enough new, sturdy bone to guarantee the implant will be robust and secure. This surgery and implant surgery can be done simultaneously. Your jawbone will become strong enough to support your dental implant in Toronto after a successful dental bone graft.

Dr. Dowlatshahi the best dental surgeon in Toronto can perform dental bone graft surgery before placing a dental implant. To maintain implants in place and offer further stability and support.

When is a dental bone graft surgery necessary?
Bone loss is frequently brought on by ageing and tooth loss, this can lead to various problems. For instance, if you require a dental implant and your jawbone is too brittle or fragile to hold the implant in place due to an insufficient amount of bone. there is a possibility that the dental implant will fail. This process can reverse the damage, by boosting bone density and volume. One of the other benefits of this procedure is that it can stabilize the jaw, and prevent additional bone loss. That’s why to reduce bone loss after tooth extractions, oral surgeons use a technique called “socket preservation” which involves placing a bone graft in the socket of an extracted tooth at the time of your tooth extraction.

GBR (Guided Bone Regeneration)

As gum disease progresses causing deep pockets and bone defects, it can lead to further infection and bone loss. To address this issue, Dr. Dowlatshahi may suggest a Dental bone graft surgery called GBR (guided bone regeneration) to repair these bone defects and prevent future bone and tooth loss. In this surgery, Dr. Dowlatshahi will use bone grafts with barrier membranes to reconstruct the defective bone surrounding the teeth.

What occurs if a dental bone graft surgery is not received?
Your face’s form is determined by its bone structure. Curled lips, wrinkled skin, and a projecting jaw can all result from a bone mass loss in the jawbone. Your dental health, functionality, and appearance may all be impacted by these changes. To get rid of these dangerous factors and safeguard your appearance and well-being, you’ll need dental bone graft surgery. Your dental implant will eventually fail if the jawbone’s surrounding structure is unstable. Before replacing teeth, bone grafts can offer support for implant insertion. Therefore, your replacement teeth will be durable enough to withstand demanding activities like grinding and eating.

What percentage of dental bone graft surgery succeed?

The success rate of this operations is high. But there are hazards associated with any surgery. The recovery from this process can be hampered by your age and other health issues, such as diabetes, poor dental hygiene and unhealthy habits like smoking.

Book An Appointment Now!

Every dental treatments by Dr. Dowlatshahi begins with a thorough consultation and follows a specific protocol. He will advise you on the best course of action to take in order to get positive and lasting outcomes.

Feel free to ask your queries by giving us a call. Make an appointment or referral through our website or you can also visit in person. We would appreciate your initiative!

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