4 ways to improve your gummy smile!

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Have you ever looked at yourself in a photo and thought your smile doesn’t look even? There is more gum showing than your teeth when you smile. If so, you may be experiencing what’s known as a gummy smile.
The good news is, a gummy smile is a treatable condition. You can have the celebrity smile you’re looking for with a single visit to the dentist.

You may have heard of a gummy smile, but what does it mean?

Do you have more than 4 millimeters of gum visible when you smile? If the answer is yes, then it’s possible that you have a gummy smile. A gummy smile is a cosmetic issue (Excessive Gingival Display) that occurs when more than 4 millimetres of gum tissue is exposed above the upper teeth while you smile. It may be generalized showing in all upper teeth or localized to a few teeth thus, giving you an uneven smile.
A gummy smile gives the impression that your teeth are too short/small for your face (even though they’re not).
One of the main reasons for short teeth is gum show. This can be caused by different factors, such as excessive gum growth or a lack of bone support in the jawbone. Gum disease, genetic factors and defective teeth are also common causes of short teeth.

Does your smile reveal “short” teeth?
One of the main reasons for short teeth is gum show. This can be caused by different factors, such as excessive gum growth or a lack of bone support in the jawbone. Gum disease, genetic factors and defective teeth are also common causes of short teeth.
What causes a gummy smile?
The causes of a gummy smile can vary, but it typically occurs for one of the following reasons:
Hyperplasia of the gingiva – This is a condition in which there is an overgrowth of tissue around the teeth. The increased amount of tissue results in an increased level of gum showing when you smile. it can be caused by plaque/ inflammation(Gingivitis) or it can be a side effect of certain drugs.

Gingivitis is a condition in which the gums become inflamed and swollen due to plaque buildup on the teeth. Plaque is made up of bacteria, food particles, and saliva that sticks to your teeth when you eat or drink anything sugary or starchy. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodontal disease (perio), which involves inflammation deep inside your jawbone and supporting structures around your teeth.* If you have perio, it can cause loose teeth or even loss of teeth as they loosen and fall out.*

To prevent this from happening: Brush after every meal with fluoride toothpaste; floss daily; see your dentist regularly for cleanings every 6 months.

Developmental or oral health issues – If your dentist finds that you have any developmental problems with your teeth or mouth during an exam, they may recommend that you see a specialist who can provide treatment to help improve your smile. for instance a gummy smile may result from excessive development of the upper jawbone which is called “vertical maxillary excess”.

Hyperactive upper lip– that lifts the lip too high when smiling,

Excessive wear and tear of the teeth– causing shorter looking teeth
Altered passive eruption – In this case, patients’ teeth don’t erupt properly, this causes some teeth to be partly covered by gum tissue. Hence, more gums being exposed than normal when smiling, leading to a gummy smile or making them look shorter causing esthetic concerns.

before and after pictures of a patient with a gummy smile, treated with cosmetic crown lengthening surgery by Dr.Dowlatshahi.


before and after pictures of a patient with a gummy smile, treated with cosmetic crown lengthening surgery by Dr.Dowlatshahi.

Can I fix my gummy smile?

Too much gum showing when smiling can be an aesthetic problem that bothers many people but one that fortunately has a solution. Let’s take a look at some of the most common treatments available.

There are many different treatments available to correct this problem and improve the appearance of your smile. The most common types include:

1- crown lengthening (to move the gum line closer to the tooth),

2-gum contouring/ lifting (surgery that reshapes and raises the gum line), and

3-orthodontic treatments ( to move your teeth into a more vertical position)

There are non-surgical options as well as combination treatments which combine both surgery and non-surgical procedures together.

Dr.Dowlatshahi has a practice limited to periodontics and esthetic gum surgery, smiles are his speciality and he can help you solve your gum and smile problems.

It’s important to see a dentist who is experienced in these procedures because there can be serious risks associated with improper treatment such as infection or nerve damage if things go wrong during surgery!

Dr. Dowlatshahi dental surgeon in Toronto with more than 25 years of experience performs these surgeries to treat a gummy smile in Toronto that will enhance your smiles appearance, giving you the chance to smile with confidence!

Fed up of seeing too much gum and want to find out more about how we can help? Why not request a consultation with Dr.Dowlatshahi. With the use of digital smile design Dr.Dowlatshahi will show you a real feel for just how big an impact our gum contouring could have on your appaerance.


We hope you now have a better understanding of what a gummy smile is, as well as some of the causes and treatments for this condition. If you are concerned about your smile, please contact us today for an appointment with Dr.Dowlatshahi. We would be happy to help you find a solution that works best for you!

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