Dental Implant Surgery

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Dental Implant Surgery


Dental implant surgery is a common procedure that can be used to replace missing teeth. It’s one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed in the United States today. Dental implants are small titanium posts that are placed into the jawbone and serve as anchors for artificial teeth. They look and feel like natural teeth, which makes them a great option for people who have suffered from tooth loss and want to return their smile to its former glory.

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is a small titanium screw that is surgically placed into your jawbone. The implant acts as an anchor for a crown, bridge, or denture and helps provide support for the placement of these restorations. Dental implants are made of titanium, which has been proven to be biocompatible with human tissue and bone.

The advantages of a dental implant surgery

Implant dentistry is a cornerstone of modern dentistry. The advantages of an implant include improved appearance, functionality, longer lasting and more comfortable.

A dental implant is a titanium dental prosthesis that can replace a missing tooth or support bridgework by anchoring to the jawbone in order to allow your dentist to build up the surrounding teeth using crowns, bridges or veneers. The implant itself has tiny threads embedded into it which act like roots for your new smile.

What to expect after dental implant surgery?

Your dentist will likely recommend that you take some time off from work after your surgery. You should also avoid eating hard foods for a few days, and it’s important to follow a strict dental hygiene routine to avoid any further complications.

You may also be required to take antibiotics following the procedure. This will help reduce the risk of infection.

If any discomfort persists beyond three weeks after your surgery, contact Dr. Maziar Shahzad Dowlatshahi straight away so we can assess whether there are any ongoing problems with healing or infection.

How much does a Dental Implant cost?

The cost of dental implants varies depending on the type of implant, the dental office and the location.

Dental implants are not covered by OHIP or dental insurance. The average cost for an upper-tooth implant can range from $1,000 to $5,000 per tooth. This is due to several factors including your health; how much bone there is left in your jawbone; whether you need one or two implants (the second is required if you have a missing lower tooth); whether we can place both implants at once; and what kind of bridge or other modification you may want after we complete your treatment plan.

Dental implant surgery can be a great option for improving your smile, so book a consultation with Dr. Maziar Dowlatshahi to see if it’s right for you.

Dental implants are a great option for improving your smile, and they’re now widely available in Canada, Greater Toronto Area. If you’re considering dental implant surgery in Toronto, here are some things to know:

      • Dental implants can improve your oral health. Implants can be used to replace missing teeth or even whole jaws.

      • Dental implants can improve how you feel about yourself by giving you a healthier smile and making it easier to chew food properly again. This helps reduce the risk of developing gum disease because it gives people more confidence when talking with others or eating out at restaurants.

      • Implant-supported dentures are also an option if someone already has partial dentures that they don’t like wearing anymore because they’re uncomfortable or inconvenient; however, this method does require extensive work from an experienced dentist before any final decisions are made about whether this procedure is right for them overall as well as what type of materials would best suit their needs (e.g., acrylics vs fibreglass). Dr. Maziar Shahzad Dowlatshahi has been nominated as one of the best dentists in the world and he is ready to give you a free consultation on your dental implant needs.


    The decision to have dental implant surgery is a big one, but the benefits far outweigh any potential risks. If you’re looking for an affordable and effective way to improve your smile, dental implants may be just what you need. If you are looking for an affordable dental implant in Toronto you can visit us at to get a free consultation.

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